Friday, June 20, 2014

Different, but the Same: A Post by Evelyn

WOW!!! I cannot even believe I am in Australia.

Here in Oz, it is different but the same. For example, it's different because, well, none of my friends and family are here, and because of the different food, animals, weather, plants, birds & accents. I do love the accents they have.

And it's the same because I'm still sharing a room with Lily, I'm still enjoying a fun life, and the kids in our family still fight with each other (but I mean not me of course, right?).

I think Australia is simply amazing (if you have been there, you understand). I wish all of you could be here with me so I could show you around and still be with you. I have made three different movies about how our move to Australia has been, and if you haven't seen them yet, you should.

I feel like I should be crying since, well, I mean c'mon, I just moved to Australia! But the weird part is I haven't cried. I really miss all my friends from church, from the neighborhood, and from school.

Lily and I share a room (as I said before) and we have totally redone it. We both bought bulletin boards (they're called something different here) to put up pictures and notes and other things from people in the States so we could remember them (not that I wouldn't remember all of you).

I have made a great friend here in Australia already. Her name is Sophie (and she has two sisters that are almost the same age as Lily and Charlotte). Here's a picture of us all at a dinner from last week.

She's short like me; she's also funny and kind. She's my new BFF. My family is still getting a few more things for the house and Lily & I want to finish designing our room, but then I think we will be able to relax...for a bit.

The kids in the family are finishing 2014 at Dutton Park State School. Then in 2015, Simeon and Charlotte (and probably me) will stay there, and Lily will go to high school at Brisbane State. I might go too, depending on which grade they put me in. Our first day of school is this coming Monday!

Please continue to read my family's blog. And enjoy your summer while it lasts :).

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Unreal: a Post from Lily

Unreal. That's how moving to Australia feels. It isn't a "dream" unreal, but ifeellikeiamonanawesometriptoaustralia unreal. I feel like I will be back to America in a week or so. Maybe this is because I am not in school yet or even because it has only been a week.

A couple days ago, one of my new friends asked me, "Does it feel like you are on a long holiday to Australia?" When I responded with, "Totally, all the time!", she said, "And then you ask, 'when are we going back home?', and you realize that you are not going back..." Silence followed until I changed the topic, but her words lingered in my mind the next day, "you realize that you are not going back", " not going back", "not going back..."

 I still think that I am going back, but in the back of my mind I know we are not leaving. It is really hard- REALLY HARD to believe that this "new world" is real. It seems like a fun and expensive tropical vacation that goes on for a while. But it's NOT!!! I cannot believe it, really, I can't. And I don't know when I WILL believe it.

I haven't cried once since we moved here, but before we moved I cried a couple times. Why? I have no idea! I confuses me too! I am glad homesickness hasn't hit me yet, but as I was hanging up some items on my bulletin board, I felt a wave of sadness. I missed my friends soooooo much! I emailed them and texted them and FaceTimed them, but I still felt so far away from them.

Why can't they be here with me on this adventure? I don't know, but God does, and he has a plan, so no matter what that plan is, I will try very hard to stick with it. And I hope and pray that I will succeed, and I hope that you will pray for me and my family too. I love you all! Thank you for reading this😊.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

An Interview with Simeon

How has Australia been different than you expected?

Well, it doesn't seem different. The only thing different from America is the birds.

Is that different than what you expected?

Well, I didn't thing the birds would look THAT different. I mean, like, they're hilarious. I didn't think they'd be black & white with an orange beak. Then, I didn't think there would be a lot of turkey's. The only thing that's weird is I thought there would be a lot of lizards. I've been here 4 days and I have only seen one!

Tell me about your house. What do you like about it?

I like that it has an empty room in the basement so we can put toys there. And the basement is as big as our house.

I like the yard--the back has a lot of Palm trees. I like to look at how huge they are--cuz some are big and some are small. There's one that's only a foot tall.

Thanks, Simeon!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Disorganized Life

Although I can't completely shake my position as overachieving firstborn, I have become a much more laid back homemaker in recent years. Sometimes I think that's for the better, other times I don't.

I really hoped to bring a 'no worries' attitude to the land down under. I pictured our family beachside the first week with a slow timetable for getting settled. But of course we have no hangers, so unpacking all our clothes meant stuffing them into wardrobes with no rhyme or reason.

And then getting access to our new bank account took about 3 hours with kids who did NOT want to be running errands.

And then we got an email from our landlord stating that our rent was 5 days overdue. And I had no idea how to pay it.

And then I found out we needed to choose an electricity provider ASAP.

And then Evie locked the ignition on our borrowed van and we couldn't start the van for 30 minutes (and had no way to contact anyone without phones being set up yet).

And them I realized that my 'no worries' attitude might have to wait a few more weeks.

Welcome to my Disorganized Life. I'm hoping to introduce you to an organized closet by the end of the week. Sorry if you were hoping for pictures of the ocean and kids frolicking're getting closets.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Saying Good-bye to an Old Friend

As you read this--my first (last?) blog post ever!--I will be in a heavy metal tube flying above the North Pole in search of a land down under. I hope, like Captain Cook, to make it safely to Brisbane's port. (If not, then this is my last post. See my forthcoming book on Ecclesiastes for further thoughts on death.)

Speaking of books, this is my desk. Or, was my desk. We bought it for $50 years ago, gave it to Natalie and Joseph DiCicco as part of a wedding gift, and thus made about a zillion dollar heavenly profit in doing so.

There are few things I will miss more than my good old desk (sorry family and friends). I feel like I"m leaving behind my sixth child. Along with my favorite red lamp, my ancient black framed painting of the angel of the Lord destroying the world, and my old pajama shorts that Emily has tried to destroy for 15 years, my quiver is surely full.

Back to the desk. I wrote all my books, many sermons, and half a blog post on this now sacred wooden shrine. Nearly a million published words were penned (i.e. typed) atop this leather top! So, no pressure, Joseph, to duplicate my labors of love. I expect at least one Haiku to Natalie. Then you can put the TV on it, spill soda and let it sit for a week, practice Karate, sacrifice oxen, or whatever other plans you have for it.

There is something freeing, as the illustrious Sting once wrote, to letting people (things?) go. Free, free, set them (read: "it") free. By God's grace, I'm glad I'm not attached to material things. (Stay tuned for my next blog, where I list all my sins, starting with "pride in not loving possessions.") When I became a Christian, God used the story of the young, rich ruler to help me bow before the lordship of Christ. Jesus asked that man to sell everything, give the money to the poor, and then follow him. The man refused because "he had many possessions" (read: "many possessions had him!"). I am thankful for God's call to move down under, and in the process, to sell or give away just about everything we own. It has been a real heart-check. I will, of course, buy a new desk when we arrive. How else will I become a world famous blogger? But, I hope and pray, in all the possessions I accumulate in Oz, they won't destroy my soul. Even desks can be dangerous. For, as our all-wise Lord wisely said, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

Saturday, June 7, 2014

We. Are. Moving. To. Australia.

I know, I know, that is OLD NEWS. But not for me (Lily). Wait, the O’Donnell family is moving to Australia? Oh, yeah, they are. And I am one of them. Sometimes I cannot believe it, and it is hard to believe, even though we are moving soon. At times when I’m shopping or reading or doing homework, I think “This will never change.” But it will, because I am moving. So you are probably wondering how I feel about moving, because a million people have asked me. I will reply in the same (and true) way I always do. I am super duper nervous, but also super duper excited. 

Now, I used to be way more nervous than excited. One day, a few months ago, my Mom asked me how I would feel if the Australia trip was canceled and I responded with “Umm, I would be totally glad—it would be, like, the best thing ever!” Well, that response has dramatically changed.

As we started getting closer to the move, I started seeing just how fun and new this trip would be. First of all, we were moving, and I personally love having a new living space because (some of you know this) I LOVE organizing! So, that will be awesome. Secondly, I would be in Australia. Many, many people have told me about the great adventure I am going on, and I always put on my happy face and nod enthusiastically. Half of me is really happy, and half of me wants to go cry in a corner. I am going to miss so many people. I have laughed, cried, partied and gone crazy with all my friends, family, etc. I totally wish they could all come with me to Australia.

But the thing is, they are my friends. It’s not like we can’t Skype with each other, and email, and they can even read this totally awesome blog post by yours truly (just kidding). Seriously though, I will miss them! But I will come visit them and they will (please, please, please) come visit us.
I have a million thoughts to write down, and I can’t get them all down, but, whatever. NEXT WEEK I WILL BE In AUSTRALIA! So, stay tuned, y’all. (Hugs and kisses to my friends and fam).

Friday, June 6, 2014

A Post from Evelyn (written 5 days ago)

I am not able to say how much I will miss everyone. People from church, the neighborhood, school, and especially all of my family. I also can't wait to get there. I've been looking at pictures of Brisbane and it really is such a beautiful place. Our house has pretty much been a big mess since we're selling everything.

And slowly but surely it's getting cleared out. I just can't believe I'm moving to Australia in less than a week--not every 10 year old girl gets to move on to the other half of the earth and not know anyone over there now, do they?
Me and Lily have finished packing all of our clothes and just need to pack the little things. I still have 2 more suitcases to pack. I have started to make a binder of memories I have had in American with my friends and my family here in America. I also just got an iPad mini and will be using it for contacting people in America and for school in Australia. I'm sooooo glad we needed iPads for the school I'll go to in Australia.

Please continue to pray for our family. I've made a sheet counting down the days from 45 days to now 6 DAYS!!!!! Just yesterday we had a going away party for our family. Everything everyone said was so kind and so touching. I cried a lot. I love and will miss everyone so much. I've also had a going away party with my Dad's family.

And I also had a sleepover going away party with my friends from school. Everyone has just been so kind to my family, so thank you! Every day there is at least one more thing out of our house. I'm super glad our family has a blog so this way you can see how our family is doing even though we won't be here with all of you. I hope you can visit me and my family in Australia.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sent Out

On Sunday, our we had the incredible blessing of a farewell service with our church.

Here hands are raised as they send us out with the Aaronic blessing, and here tears are streaming down my face as I looked out on the many faces of my church family.

I felt a bit as though I was attending my own funeral as I had the privilege of hearing people share how I had impacted their lives, what they appreciated about me and what they will miss--I've decided everyone should have this opportunity! We felt deeply encouraged and challenged to love and serve God in a new place.

Each member of our family had a friend share something about them, and it was so sweet to see my older daughters' eyes fill with tears as their friends shared. To all who contributed to that day, know that every part was rich with meaning for us.

Our hearts were filled up on Sunday.

But our hearts have been filled over and over again these last few weeks as we've said many good-bye's. Good good-bye's. The kind that will sustain us for many months. Here are a few snapshots of my kids with their cousins, their school friends and their extended family.

You'll be hearing from the kids over the next couple days, so they can share their thoughts with you about these last days. But from a mother's perspective, our hearts are full of thankfulness. For you.