Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Unreal: a Post from Lily

Unreal. That's how moving to Australia feels. It isn't a "dream" unreal, but ifeellikeiamonanawesometriptoaustralia unreal. I feel like I will be back to America in a week or so. Maybe this is because I am not in school yet or even because it has only been a week.

A couple days ago, one of my new friends asked me, "Does it feel like you are on a long holiday to Australia?" When I responded with, "Totally, all the time!", she said, "And then you ask, 'when are we going back home?', and you realize that you are not going back..." Silence followed until I changed the topic, but her words lingered in my mind the next day, "you realize that you are not going back", " not going back", "not going back..."

 I still think that I am going back, but in the back of my mind I know we are not leaving. It is really hard- REALLY HARD to believe that this "new world" is real. It seems like a fun and expensive tropical vacation that goes on for a while. But it's NOT!!! I cannot believe it, really, I can't. And I don't know when I WILL believe it.

I haven't cried once since we moved here, but before we moved I cried a couple times. Why? I have no idea! I confuses me too! I am glad homesickness hasn't hit me yet, but as I was hanging up some items on my bulletin board, I felt a wave of sadness. I missed my friends soooooo much! I emailed them and texted them and FaceTimed them, but I still felt so far away from them.

Why can't they be here with me on this adventure? I don't know, but God does, and he has a plan, so no matter what that plan is, I will try very hard to stick with it. And I hope and pray that I will succeed, and I hope that you will pray for me and my family too. I love you all! Thank you for reading this😊.

1 comment:

  1. Lily, you are a wise girl. God does have a wonderful plan for you. I will pray for your heart with missing friends. I love your adventurous attitude.
    Love, Aunt Julie
